Join the Mansbach Lab

Our lab welcomes applicants from any race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender identity, gender expression, caregiver and family commitments, political affiliation, sexual orientation, and eligible age or disability status. Furthermore, we are committed to maintaining an inclusive, equitable and collaborative lab environment.

See more about our lab compact and philosophy.

We are often in the market for motivated and talented people. We are interested in engaging you in a conversation about your scientific background and goals for your future career (in academia, industry, or other ventures). We strive to provide excellent training across a wide range of computational and experimental techniques. If interested please send your CV/Resume to Ré Mansbach. Please note, however, that I get a large number of emails from prospective applicants and cannot respond to them all. If I do not respond, it usually means we do not have an open position suitable for you; I apologize for the inconvenience.

Graduate Students

Graduate students at Concordia can apply to the physics program but must secure a supervisor themselves. There are currently open positions in our lab for Canadian MSc students and Canadian or international PhD students with a strong physics and computational background. The most important skills we are looking for are statistical mechanics and machine learning.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Inquiries about Postdoctoral positions should be emailed directly to Ré Mansbach.

Other Visitors

We may sometimes take research assistants of various levels. Compensation is set by TRAC (Teaching and Research Assistants at Concordia. If you’re interested, please contact me.